What is the issue with Stripe?
Free boxing timer app offer for y'all - Fightt
[iOS] [Boxing Timer: Fightt] [$19.99 -> Free] [An interval timer app for HIIT, boxing and other martial arts training]
Apple Silicon M5 chips are probably in mass production now
Looking for a Simple Task Manager with a Beautiful Progress Bar
Brothers from Germany here?
Trader status for developers from EU: possible solutions
I made a side project to manage my side projects 👀
I built an app to manage my app projects 👀
I'm going nuts
Need to get back in shape!
Apple's UI design compared to Google's
Is being an Indie App Developer a good career choice?
How do you handle user's feedback?
Daily Advice Thread - January 25, 2025
ScanWatch 2 & HRV
Hi 👋- I am looking for an app that can accomplish the following:
Yoga/Pilates for MMA?
Warum benutzen so viele Leute Gürtel und Zughilfen für sehr wenige gewichte/ komische Übungen?
Muskelwachstum: Volumen vs 1RM vs Gewicht/Wdh.?
Anderes Gym, andere Gewichte?
Apple's Nano-Texture MacBook Pro Display: Game-Changer for Creators?
Built an app to manage my app projects 👀
I‘ve built a side project to manage my side projects
What's it like developing on the cheapest iPhone?