What's a Quote From a Game That's Imprinted On Your Brain?
Have you ever bought a video game console just to play one game?
Pls add more
Finished my Scott Pilgrim hoop! This was mostly to practice my lines and was a fun start to 2021
Bloodborne Saw Cleaver (extended) by Tala Easton at Occult Tattoo, Worthing UK
Weekly Co-Op Code Mega Thread - August 25, 2019
A Letter to Blizzard Entertainment
[Media] Smooth, Riku
one's not like the other
Encounter at the crossroad information
Add Me Thread: February 2015
Favorite card quote
What 2014 releases are you excited about?
What is your guilty pleasure band? Doesn't have to be HC of course.
the guilty ones rules
I know this won't be a popular opinion, but am I the only one that thinks that Jacob Bannon is an awful, awful lyricist? I am not talking about the music or vocals of Converge.
So I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me and I confronted her on the phone. I got home to find this...
Googled "Karma Whore" Not What I Expected [NSFW]
Don't fall asleep first at a music festival
Does this look infected?
I realized that I like a lot of metal influenced hardcore, but very little actual metal. What metal bands you guys would recommend?
Bands like Tigers Jaw?
New Defeater is pretty rad.
Best show you've been to outside of Hardcore?