Unpopular opinion: Wrestling doesn’t translate well to huge stadiums and arenas. It’s best in an intimate setting.
Which Thumbnail?
Seth Rollins one of the G.O.A.T.S.
First time playing, wish me luck
Someone tried to break in to my house today through the garden, should I contact Garda?
M,24, straight, fresh outta the military, never lived alone before.yes my toilet glows in the dark.
The Hottest Arrest I’ve Ever Seen
Are my videos actually boring?
How do you actually permanently get shorter as quick as possible?
We’ve seen how easy it was for Trump to take power and turn the US into an authoritarian government, so how should the government be restructured to prevent this from happening again and ensure democracy?
Which movie has the dumbest premise?
What type of shows do you hate the most?
How often does a subreddit remove your post?
What is a conspiracy theory you believe without a doubt?
What’s something surprisingly good that you’ve watched lately?
Successful people - what are your weaknesses?
What jobs no one wants to do that pays high and always hiring ?
What does USA look like in 2029?
Would you welcome a major economic recession/depression if it meant lower house prices? Why or why not?
What's your worst habit?
what are the little things that annoy you?
What is something kind you've done for someone recently?
how do people live automatically?
What’s one celebrity you think did not deserve there popularity?
What’s your best way to absorb and retain knowledge from books (mind maps, flashcards, summaries, reading the whole book, or taking notes, etc.)?