Can you still teach and travel TEFL if you have a criminal conviction (DUI/DIC)?
What are your predictions for season? Crazier the better.
Actually made me chuckle
Kids today will never know the pure joy that came from existing on the internet before your parents were also on the internet
Joke gift for a mate... it's still MAGA I guess innit? 😂
Is the show still relevant in 2025?
Which cancelled TV show deserved another season?
Let him go, Ralph. He knows what he's doing.
To everyone who has been questioning why the Government can't just stop overseas Kiwis from coming home, please have a bit of a read below for the legal reason why
♪ I could even eat a baby deer ♪ ♪ La-la-la-la-la, la, la, la, la, la-la ♪ ♪ Who's that baby deer on the lawn? ♪
When someone calls you their soulmate.
What's respect without the moolah to back it up
And who could forget dear Ratboy?
It’s that time of year!
How they were born
Does anyone know who or why someone has placed boulders and blockades on all the wild camping spots on the Glen Orchy road?
Archer Season 11 Episode 04 "Robot Factory" Promo | New Episode Trailer