INFP Males who are your favourite authors and put your genres you read down.
Type me !
Every time
Kia Sorento 2011
what makes a guy want a relationship?
How good do I have to be to build something like this in my home?
Girl (25) that I’m (26) dating is very hard to read
Walked outside to see what the dog was barking at
Je pars pour un tour de Gaspésie demain à vélo et je m'inquiète de la qualité de l'air
Marmotte du coin
Clam's fishing
Film Style editing
How to answer the question 'Who am I?'
I've never drawn in my life. I try it for the first time, and I start drawing the most heart-melting, soul-crushing art I've ever seen.
Favorite INFP artist? There are many
Greetings from Québec, Canada. The water is turquoise because the bottom is frozen. This is what happens after a night at -45°C (-49°F).
Any other infps celibate?
Cat-loving INFPs, what is your favorite cat breed? 😺
Croyances bizarres comme enfant
Infp’s what is your fave book of all time, drop recommendations!
Fishies want treats
Comment appelez-vous cela? Il y a une grande variété de noms selon les régions.
Literally every post on /r/Rap right now...
Someone posted a nice (broken) gold chain on market place!