Next project: blackship/strike cruiser with cute lil magnetized turrets
Voss fleet pretty much done
Lunar cruisers Lively and Ajax incoming...
Heresy era strike cruiser.
Just washes (and maybe a nose stripe) left to go on this Invincible fast battleship
It's happening my boys!
Best way to base a metal Eldar Corsair fleet?
Deathwatch Post Index - Rules, Lore, Models and the future
You guys were right, double nose stripes all day
Painting guide for olive-drab soviets?
Just finished some falchions
Soviet starter force
Finished kitbashing an Invincible class fast battleship
Question, do we know if any other ship in the imperium have/use drop pods?
Voss prows & MangoZac upgrade kits?
Finished building a kitbashed Deathwatch battle barge/watch fortress
Simple headswaps to make the Aquilons into Elysian storm troopers
Endurance limitations
Manchester / Cheshire players UK
Suggestions for Leviathan allocations?
Storage advice for fleets
Can we still hate JHS here?
The Meta?
My inq agents kill team that also works for inq28