[homemade] 3 cheese Detroit style pizza
Are these insulated stainless steel type coffee mugs BIFL? Would like to take to my outdoor worksite everyday and wondering if they can take a beating?
Who wins this M&M battle?
Roth and traditional contribution limit for 2024 in $7k. I need to recharacterize from Roth to traditional but I earnt $1.5k on the 7k - what happens to the $1.5k? Won’t I be over contributing now by 1.5k
Jigsaw puzzles? Are they BIFL if you repeatedly redo them? Do the pieces start to fray? Reason I ask is I plan on doing this puzzle with various different grandkids over the next several years.
Favourite team logo of all time?
First pizza, what am I doing wrong?
Who wins this red licorice battle?
Why should you never buy an angry bull with an Amex credit card?
What’s something about your partner that you really like?
My little fridge, what does it say bout me?
AIO….thought this would be a fun activity for my wife and I but she refuses because she “hates puzzles” 😡
I can’t believe how good this tastes. Can you spot the secret topping that I included?
It actually happened and is live on Google maps!
How do you find will smith on a snowy path?
The new set up. Have it dialed in perfectly with beautiful crème head
[OC] I just became a new dad and got this puzzle as a gift. I’m already chuckling.
Albanese Cottontail Gummies
The ripening marks on this banana looks like a ninja.
Has anyone tried Tony’s Chocolate Bars?
My wife got me this mug and I love it…..does that make me a total computer nerd?
I’m a slight computer nerd and my wife got me this mug 🥰 A simple gift but it made me feel really special.
Carry on suitcase suggestions that will be used 4 times per year?
Forbidden geek coffee ☕️ 🤓
I'm never going to financially recover from this.