My innie went on an ORBTO and got engaged to this stranger, what do I do about this?
Having a “low-income” name
Is my tattoo sexist?
making a rule to exclude names of ex-partners/past lovers from baby name choices?
Water hook up to new fridge is leaking
Occam’s Razor this ORTBO stuff
I left my 18 year old son home alone to go on my honeymoon and his school is concerned for his safety…
People who act like “messy” and “dirty/unhygenic” are synonymous
What is this thing I found in a bag I got at a yard sale full of crafting supplies? It's 8 inches long and the little loops are flexible.
"you better not be pregnant"
1 Year’s Worth of Found Treasures
When I’m trying to explain something to someone only for them to cut me off & incorrectly guess what it is they think I’m gonna say next
Helly will never feel the relief that is taking off a bra.
Saying "sending prayers" and things along those lines to somebody who's not religious is INCREDIBLY rude.
People who say they’d kill or eat your pet because it’s an unconventional animal.
Mushroom Guy takeover!
When a character, who isn’t ment to be Autistic, accidentally ends up being pretty good Autism Representation.
Would you tell someone in hospice on their death bed that their partner died?
People who suggest the most basic names for animals.
Episode 16 is missing on Max
I would rather wear a real bra than sports bra during a workout.
As her mother helped her into her wedding dress, she admitted, “I know you’re ashamed of me being pregnant out of wedlock.”
(Loved trope) A nameless background character does something badass for no apparent reason other than it being the right thing to do
I love the way that the upper class women 'manage' their husbands and seem mostly unshockable.
Phonics made my daughter realize she has a southern accent