is my handwriting legible?
Can I buy Starbucks syrups?
Voight quotes
AIO my (best) friend of 20 years is suddenly too uncomfortable to get lunch with me
what’s your least favourite storyline and why?
tell me your least favourite storyline and why?
Day 1 of getting a comment from every country in the world
Which Survivor Contestant is Peak Juror?
Is your country bigger than Zimbabwe?
i knew i recognized the host of the game show “switch”
My Map - Suggestions on What Should be Next
all the places i’ve traveled in my life!
List your top 3 baby names
crockett and pamela
did i just accidentally create a tragedeigh…
Taking poll for.. research. Vote your personal favorite— every comment is an entry for that player and every upvote counts towards it. (results on NYE)
Season 9
which castaway would single-handedly ruin survivor 50 for you if they went on?
Who are your top 5 new era players?
Dante Torres
How do you like the character julie Tay Do you think she will come back in the future
Guys, I'm curious to know what is y'all Total minutes listened in this year wrapped
Who is your hot take or unpopular opinion-SHOULD NOT be invited back for Season 50?
Why did ____ vote for ____?
Just Started Watching...