AC-556 ceremonial first outing mag dump, as is tradition
PM-63C partially deneutered
Front sight on Samson rail
Old but still got it
Mods are asleep! Post VA Guns!
It's December and I have no more irons in the fire, so it's time to call it. Behold, rcortland's 2024 NFA Year in Review.
So I want to buy a Thompson
One of these assault rifles looks way, way cooler than the other one, and we all know which one it is.
First NFA weapon. PM63C SBR
Those who have purchased Machine Guns (Financial question)
First shots with M1917 Browning
Four day approval. It's not my nicest SMG, but it is certainly my mag-dumpiest, and by a significant margin.
Garage test fitting on my lunch break
Taken for a ride at the subgun match
Smith & Wesson 76 first shots
Machine gun miercoles - S&W 76 in but 8 days
Finally I have a Tactical Innovations AM15 upper
Living room photo = C&R equivalent of steering wheel photo
Put an AC-556K, M55 Reising, and 10/22 in a blender
I dare say, my neatest SBR
Just saw this today. Thoughts and prayers, king.
Strange bedfellows: Ruger 77/357 and Uzi suppressor
Does anyone actually work at the VA State Police Firearms Transaction Center Criminal Justice Information Services Division?
Appears Chevron overturned.
May 2024 Approval Megathread