22F Any surgery I can get to look more like the girls here
23 yo student wants out- Please offer advice
Travel tips no one asked for - Seoul vs. Tokyo
Moorea transportation
Studying in Berlin during Fall
Missing my Flow
8 days in 3 cities?
Bird Flu
Elon musk doing a nazi salute at the whitehouse. Unreal
This is ridiculous (MTS)
This person broke their femur and likely died from it.
My wife’s cultural anthropology class gave them notes on why Americans act so “American,” to Europeans
Here’s my EDC. 22M
Tell me yours in the comments!
Recommendations for Tokyo?
What Was Your Absolute Favorite Thing to Do in Japan?
Financial Aid Revisions
Nighttime Study Spots
Berkeley housing sucks
Berkeley Student Cooperative has many vacancies for the first time in years, $800/mo, free food, utilities, good locations
Persistent cold post-graduation
Struggling to decide
I'm just glad it's not us this time
UC Berkeley Transfer Housing