I'm level 90 and just noticed i need to right click to activate my buffs :))))
Corrupted enemies scaling
German buttons
Hero Concept: Krabat, Dark Apprentice
Problem with game not starting properly
Monk ascendancy idea: The hermit
Constant crashes and disconnects
Is there a problem with servers atm? Playing on EU
Me going outside & to the gym after several days of PoE2 marathon
Active skill gem interaction/ combination
Why everything it's blurred?
This Operation Requires the Account to be logged in.
I`m in QUEUE
When the login error changed from "unexpected" to "abnormal"
Chat etiquette
Report player post match
How do I ping on the map?
What game did you come from
Stash Tabs keep moving back to same random position
Falconry "Rending Talons" question
Is it just me, or do the enemy waves get bigger the lower your commander level is?
Low Lag Mode
Physical pain activating Prestige
What happened with performance in this game?