".38 special ain't shit"
New batch of Single Sevens?
What are Some Budget 6-shot CCW Revolvers that you’d Carry?
Started getting a light primer strike 1 every 20ish rounds. Just put a new Wolff mainspring in so hopefully that's sorted out!
Matching revolver for Marlin sbl
Who makes the long .44?
What am I looking at here?
EDC Pocket dump
S&W 1854 +P
Out with the Rossi
AITA for refusing to give up my grandfather’s rifle to my brother?
Manix 2 in the pocket?
Woman’s boot recommendations
Smith and Wesson 686 plus 6 inch barrel 357 magnum, issue or normal?
Knife for fishing
S&W ccw revolver
Better sheath for ESEE Izula II?
Iver Johnson American bull dog
Joined the club.
The good ‘ol days.
Modern Cartridges in Lever Guns
3 options
Just found out out about this run of SP101s and they’re all sold out…
Esee Izula Stainless - or ???