Put down my dog FIL passed away and daughter fractured hip. All in past 5 days. I don’t really have any friends to call.
DAE not like pizza as a kid?
Late diagnosed women— are your family members generally accepting of your dx?
books that will make me cry (like sob and bawl my eyes out)
Having an identity crisis about masking/unmasking. Have I been a fake person? Have I been lying to my friends about who I am?
Wie viel lässt ihr euch eine Woche Urlaub kosten?
Can someone suggest a book with a depressed or suicidal main character?
I feel severely under-stimulated. Any advice?
Autistic and childfree by choice
AITA for not making both my daughters eat the same diet plan?
Krank sein ohne Fieber
Deutsche Rotweinempfehlungen
Bedeutung eines Wortes auf Bayrisch
What things are sensory hell to you?
Wie begrüßt ihr Arbeitskollegen, die ihr selten seht?
Wo kauft ihr eure Laufklamotten?
Is it possible to control or even postpone a meltdown?
Weintasting mit Freunden
Zone 2, was isn des?
Encouragement in light of weight and body talk
Empfehlung Wein Clubs
Tipps für jemanden, der nach Bayern umzieht?
I’m looking for a female protagonist book that you all enjoyed, preferably upbeat, comedic, and a page turner.
Palate help
Was ist euch wichtiger: Gehalt oder die tatsächliche Arbeit?