Before it got somehow patented - chamber-less, case-less, 3D printed shotgun shell with predefined "wad+load" separation.
KelTec won for sure, but i almost got the ugly Glocky edges gone
Kel-Tec or Glocky style?
The guy is good at animations, but still uses the cyrillic P instead of R ;)
Breech face doubts (again). Flat or cut?
What do you think the most important files to download right now?
(WIP) NaG-AR fcg. (sounds a bit orcish, huh?). Just a NaG fcg, but with AR hammer spring.
To spite the haters, Yamato floats now upside down š
WIP - With blackjack and h**kers. (no STEP file for Bender, huh?)
You should check this out