What's the best primary firearm?
I will be very pissed if that Army Surplus is pre-looted.
The moodles have been redesigned again!
Just learned why you should never keep a low condition generator at your house.
Will we one day have erosion that reaches this level? I hope so
B42 where do i find clay?
Do you put on cosmetic gear to make your character look good? Or do you make it functional?
Good base location? It has a well, chickens, a farm, and is next to the police station in muldraugh
Disposing of the Bodies!
(B42) Buff the firecrackers, or bring back the molotovs.
damn that was my longest lasting character
Is it just me, or are all the axes in the map gone?
Bro what am i supposed to do in this situation??? (i have low zombies spawn on)
If yall were wondering what the horde looked like in https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1hamd2e/bro_what_are_you_doing_in_this_situation_for/ This is it
Bro what are you doing in this situation? For context, I was clearing out an area in a quarantined town when a huge horde came out of nowhere and got my neck. Now I'm stuck in this guard tower with more than 100 zombies under me and I'm very tired with my last mag on my rifle. Am i cooked?
Quest 3 won't suggest a boundary and games don't work