[NY] Are employee feedback surveys really anonymous, as they claim?
People of Reddit: when did you last cry and why?
AITA for not letting my husband’s relatives take my toddler to visit them in Mexico alone?
[MA] Can my manager tell me my doctors note doesn’t excuse my absence?
If it’s the middle of the night where you are, what time is it, and why are you up?
Do I have a case for defamation? [UT]
What is something you did that was a one time amazing fluke , but no one will believe you did it ?
What’s a completely legal thing that feels incredibly illegal to do?
MIL took my ultrasound photos home, across the country
Host is charging me a pet fee just because the cleaners found random dog treats in trash
Baby names that match the profession of the parents
What is a common name that you don’t like?
Are my future baby names bad? My family thinks so
AITA for staying at a birthday party when they explicitly asked me to stay?
What was the first major news story you remember as a child?
Should I tell my partner I don’t like our baby’s name before doing the birth certificate?
AITA for not letting my brothers girlfriend in the family?
Giving daughter same middle name as me?
[US] can i be forced to pay a union for going back to working non union?
[FL] Anti-Vax Emails Sent to Employees
What baby name is going to be ridiculous as an adult name?
Unpopular GACC opinion
What movie had a realistic ending instead of doing the Hollywood thing?
If your child was named the name you were obsessed with when you were little, what would it be?
(NH, USA) - Do grandparents have legal rights to visitation?