Since everybody hates the Pint S...
Shoes for floating
New to the gang
Paddle Recs <$150 for 4.5 Tennis Player
First paddle, stuck between two.
Bread and Butter Shogun?
Vatic Pro Oni Review | Is "Gen 3" a Train Wreck Waiting to Happen?
SLK Halo Control vs Power vs XL vs Max
Won a silent auction!
What are some of your favorite non-traditional things to make?
Thoughts on this pickleball refs explanation of the new volley serve that is being tested this year?
Should I get the B&B Loco or the Ronbus R1 Pulsar
Tyson using joola
Free sample legit?
I played 71 hours of pickleball in the month of November!
Can anyone beat 442 minutes?
Podcast request: Ronnie Coleman
Dink referrals
Indoor pickleball
Anyone try the BNB Loco yet?
Just noticed that all the adult male and female characters in the show have different shaped pupils
Trump Melts Down As Idiot Sons Are Set to Take the Stand: Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump are scheduled to testify in the New York fraud trial. Donald is not handling it well.
[TOMT] [SONG] I've been trying to find this rap song for years, only know one lyric.