God damn it Gump you're goddamn genius!
What is the most unhinged portrayal of a mentally/physically handicapped person? Who deserves a pass?
Challengers unpopular opinion
Is all this not good enough for hard krypt anymore?
Don’t know why but i find getting dragon crystals more easier then getting souls fr what about you
Hell yeah!
How do you like your baptism?
In Nosferatu (2024) Count Orlok is less scary than his original counterpart who's from a movie that was made over a 100 years ago
This song really captures the GTA vibe...
Mail Order Bride (2008)
Brad Pitt has a better body in Snatch than he does in Fight Club
What movies can I add to my watchlist based on this list?
Onslaught Sub-Zero Summon Pack opening
Mk Mobile Meme#2
Which movie do you think you were unfair to?
Favorite movie dude hangs dong?
Epic aquired. Whats next?
Who should I ascend?
Have you seen the Documentary, Her?
Any characters that you hate the most?
Can't believe golden mommy sindel came whole in a krypt junk box.
Favorite sequel to Planet of The Apes? I'll start
Favourite Asian portrayal? (non racist, must be true to real life)
What the fuck is her problem!!??