Am I Being Too Strict About Gay Friendships and Boundaries?
Democrats: pick up the constitution
I was away visiting family, when I got back my husband behaved very strangely.
Tonight's secret pod
The Dispatch Wakes Up?
“Life’s not knights on horseback. It’s a number on a piece of paper. It’s a fight for a knife in the mud.”
What Are People Here Doing About AI?
Did you have a second “awakening?”
What are some of your icks when it comes to dating someone?
Commentary Podcast are our French Village Collaborators
The Substance/Critical Thinking
Obvious daddy issues which are completely destroying my life, and I have no idea how to address them
Downtown Train vs. Jersey Girl
Craig Finn - Blankets
Some of my favorite photos of Leonard Cohen. Just thought I'd share.
Not married
Why is it so hard to find relationship focused gay men?
Why Should We Take The Bulwark’s Political Advice Seriously?
This one weird trick solves 90% of the relationship problems on this sub.
Opinions on Philadelphia
My partner is slowly becoming a Trump sympathizer
Dominant or Abusive?
Not sure what to do
I feel a bit aroused when I squeeze my chest muscle together
really just need to say this somewhere