It’s Not Rational to Believe the Bible is the Product of a God or Gods
Challenge This: God Exists, But Not How You Think
Why is there so much disagreement and agreement on questions about homosexuality?
Attraction to same sex
Has Alex O’Connor become a Mormon Apologist?
Your Scripture As Your Pornography
Most inspiring Old Testament books
Thoughts on virtual church?
The Commandment (A Rant)
Very extremist friend.
Is there any evidence Jesus was crucified
Can you all tell me your experiences of god
What is marriage in The Lord’s eyes
Schedule for Philippians (and early 2025 plans part 2)
Philippians 1:1-18 (Tuesday, February 4)
My Bible study group
Maybe I've ran too far...
I'm a YEC and I'm open to evolution if it could be demonstrated...but it can't.
Bible prophecy is evidence for the veracity of the Bible.
There is no empirical evidence to prove that god is all powerful, all knowing, and all loving.
Intelligent life is not a reliable piece of evidence for God
Can an essentially-neutral gene mutation that creates a non-functional psuedogene completely eradicate the original functional gene?
Can genetics change my YEC view? A serious question.
I think I’m coming to a scary part of deconstruction and I’m terrified
I would love to know about Jesus ( I’m not a Christian)