Now! Clutch your nose in annoyance!!!
Hmm… yeah, no, it doesn’t work the same
What's the least amazing of all the Snyder Movies?
Yeah... one of these is bombing 🤭
rich characters who are actually really nice and break the stereotype of rich people being snobby brats (bonus points if they don't know that their lifestyle is actually different from others and they don't belittle others for it)
17: We need a good plan if we're going to win this, any ideas?
Couples that match eachother's freak
"Having a rough life doesn't justify your actions"
False Superman VS True Superman
Weird weakness
We've had like five universe-busters in a row
My takes on Snyder cult
Characters whose name was picked haphazardly because it was the first thing they could think of
How would The Sopranos have done at raising Superman?
I like a good tower as much as the next mage. But what do you think of these inverted towers, these "earthscrapers"?
The warrior helping the hero out of a renewed sense of honor/morality
Ah, traveler. I sense a dangerous quest is upon you. Therefore i offer you this aid, this trinket may not look like much. But break it only when you need an escape or entree and you'll summon a force that will take every eye off of you.
Alright which of you goblin fuckers bricked my Orb because of my last post
The villain is literally dragged to hell.
Who wins? Batfleck or Jason X (from Jason X)
Characters who aren't from Japan but wield a katana
Rank the match up based on how thematic it is (Boba Fett vs Samus)
The game fucks with the player specifically
Morbid gameovers/bad endings