Does anyone know how to fix this on PlayStation
I did it, I completed my first Bluewater tech tree.
What do you want added the most?
tell me what is your favorite game (in general)
How WW1 should be added.
Should the game have barrel collision?
What is your favorite album that is mostly a FACE.
What is everyone's favourite premium of all-time
are sales locked in for packs
will premium packs be on sale
how to access the hit analysis
i just started playing wtf is happening
guess my age and gender
new 2.43 preliminary leak list
name an artist and ill tell my favorite song
Retrieving host information error.
You should NOT be able to queue Tank RB like this, just had a squad of players that had top tier planes and ONLY low tier tanks. They were beyond useless. Max Br difference between Tanks and Planes shouldnt be more than like 2 or smth.
What’s your comfort lineup?
Songs that have grown on you?
if it is true and its coming uff it gonna be fun
great job gaijin
why am i scared to talk to girls after expressing feelings
Finally got my first nuke!