Unpopular opinion
My husband just gave me “the talk” about my weight
Being allergic to dogs - what can we do?!
Why are they just everywhere?!
Help me pick! Designer tote
Custom-made clothing (for individuals, not wholesale).
What’s in Your Shopping Cart for Black Friday?
What do we think of the small box bag?
Not losing weight
How easy would it be to paint this bag a burgundy colour? Should I do it myself or get it done professionally?
No one is noticing my weight loss
To us book readers who were disappointed...
Women of Reddit: trans people need your help.
My GF and I lost 6 friends in just 3 months
Guy suddenly isn't "sure" on kids after becoming interested in me.....BRUH
Child was brought to weekend getaway and ruined it
When did you realize your “friends” were actually fake friends?
Just found out I’m pregnant
I'm getting published, but my kid-having friends don't seem excited...
What’s something that people turn into their whole personality?
Forcing do-over babies... the worst manifestation of breederism I’ve ever seen
Can we just get an AYYYYMEN that Clear Blue went and did what we’ve all be asking for!?
Bridesmaid just found out she’s pregnant