Is this a normal amount to lose from combing
Does it bother anyone else when passengers store their luggage in an overhead bin that’s not near their seat during boarding?
Do black people get sunburn?
My gf didn’t know the dryer had a lint trap. This is 6 months worth of lint.
Traveling to countries offended by this US administration
ULPT request: How to stop feeling hungry all the time
Health care worker dancing on top of patient’s head
Found on Aldis shelf 😩
My locks be like
Can I charge BIG right off the bat???
Is it me or whenever I saw Butterscotch I thought he was very fluffy and touchable in this part of his fur? I wanna touch it
Why are my twits opening up from the middle of my hair?
Woke up like this today :(
My boss fired everyone and didn’t even tell us
Booking Sites Are Rigged Depending From Where You Are Signing In
ULPT Request - How to remove print from power bank surface to fly
Do women on their periods know when they’re about to bleed?
Do you experience these tutoring challenges?
ELI5: Why are you not just as hydrated by, say, 16 ounces of coffee or tea as you would be by 16 ounces of water?
Why do a lot of black women use wigs or have little to no hair?
Lizards found exercising at a gym
ELI5 Why does our stomach growl when we're hungry? What's going on inside our body that makes that noise?
Who else gets sick during their luteal phase?
Colons $ I just got 193,000 colons from my bank in Canada. How far will this get me in CR?
Topless sunbathing for females?