He has become one with the Force in the great Circle of Life.
Finally, the Pushback to Musk’s Lawless Power Grab Has Begun
What is the most satisfying thing for my tank mains?
Which Hero/Villain has the best MCU skin so far?
Idiot child me stashed this away inside a book. Found 20 years later
America 2025
Scott Gimple confirms he wants the walking dead universe to go on forever.
Miraculous Fusion between rivals!
Too old for this shit I am
What does this fridge say about its owner ?
Gamers what are you playing right now?
looks crap trap
This happened today on my way home from work (NSFW - LOTS OF SWEARING)
Dear Reddit, how effective are whitening strips?
Dragon Ball Super: Zucchi | Universe Survival Saga #40
World kinda sucks right now, so what have you got going on in your life to be happy about?
Has this meme been done before?
Dragon Ball Super: Zucchi | Universe Survival Saga #41
Hey Brain, what do you want to do tonight? The same thing we do every night, Pinky - try to take over the world!
Us against the world, Time to put on a show, Disappear! Us against the world, Time to put on a show, Disappear!
This moment from "Purge - Seconds to Die" always hits hard
Who remembers this masterpiece of a video ?
Yoda assaults the elderly