Try this experiment with me and share your results
Why won’t the Governing Body do interviews with the media?
A Video Every JW Should See And Think About:
111 years this year and counting!
“The Day of Vengeance” by CT Russell in 1909 predicting the end in the next 12 years
Let me ask a question: Why is it ok for this guy to NOT be neutral with politics? - saying that T.R.U.M.P was telling lies. (Whether it was true or not, is not the point)
Why they are doing it?
I joined the meeting on Zoom today and Circuit Overseers lost touch with the Flock!
How can you fix your doubts by researching in the same publications that gave you the doubts???? (Image from an upcoming Watchtower study.)
Merry Christmas Everyone!
New Here PIMQ
Asked ChatGPT to make a list of things active JWs should be aware of
I sent an Elder what ChatGPT provided as explanation for Matthew 10:11 and 12. (He hasn’t responded for awhile now)
I have some questions about this NY case:
Anyone else surprised when the Auxiliary pioneer form said “haven’t masturbated in the last year “
Anyone else watch the series: Everyone Else Burns? 😂
Listen, Obey, and be Gaslit
Arrested in Italia a JW for abuses on 7 minor girls. One even cut with a knife
JW's Ignore New Light
God taught humans how to make swords
They finally woke up!!!
Megathread - Annual meeting 2024
i hate service
The UN destroying false religion