Could this balanitis m29
Seems like r/Algeria is also,one if them .
Due m3ahom
Do u support homosexuality and gender fluidity
لا اله الا الله هو ربنا إتجوز مين عشان يخلف ؟
The drug has invaded our streets.
Flue after being flowed is genuinely worst
what are the safest cities to live in algeria nowadays
arguing with muslims
Persistent urethral irritation after chlamydia treatment
this is more like a shower thought but...
What you think about Becoming a content creator in Algeria? Your opinion matters as Algerian
Klebsiella UTI
Gender bias in Algeria (bus/a young man getting harassed by an old lady
وين اقدر القى خطابات القذافي
I was physically assaulted and don't know what to do
Are are Algerians becoming less creepy ?
Its gay to like women
8 months in and still in pain. (Vent/depression)
Are "medical centers" safe in Iran regarding HIV?
How to isolate urself and focus on your studies ?
Is Algeria a Muslim country or not? i don't think so.
Is anyone else this bad?
Herpes ?
ENNAHAR News channel accuses algerian medicine students on strike to be controlled by Moroccan influences to threaten national stability