Koganei Niko sex
Balance, guys... It's all about balance...
Guys give him a name and effect
Searching again
First time playing and this is so far my favorite moment
Jimbo without his smile
My honest reaction to the 3rd picture in your camera roll what is it?
…I’m not helping you when I barely know how to use the software myself.
POV: You took your rightful 97% of the monthly earnings but your ungrateful sister "needs to eat"
Do I have a good understanding of the lore?
Wtf I just woke up and I found TC posted this, why is no one talking about it?
If I break this spaghetti, will mama Raora be summoned to "punish" me?
Uh sure, thanks Showman.
Pebble please sit on chair behind bed - JohN caT R
Been here for a year and i never done this so uh ask me anything
Getting trolled by the game recently
(War Thunder) Boeing B-29 Super Fortress nuke bomber
Mfs will write a book on translator notes instead of picking a word
The Nintendo Switch logo on the Silksong official website is gone...
Would? (you support your oshi no matter what)
Which translations is right? Japanese is so amazing
Silksong gone on nintendo Eshop?