Was it because I ubered him when he was out of rockets?
to put out the fire.
Die Rechtschreibung sinkt deswegen
Scheiß auf wandern, BIEEEEEEEEER!!!! 🤣🤣😂🤣🍻🍻🍻 Ich hoffe der Saarlodri hasst seine Frau 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👊👊
To make sure the bag has a seat in the bus
Lasst ihn doch laufen, waren ja nur 2 Promille und eine tote Frau!
Boomer giving a Nazi salute...in Germany!
Daily challenge: Post the most unflattering photo(s) of Elon you can find.
Democratic Lawmakers rally at Treasury Dept. against Musk and DOGE
Oh, okay then
I think my keyboard spam pattern is oddly predictable
This can't be true, right?
Absolute Idiot
The toilet paper time is back, this time with eggs. Original image by u/Training-Argument891
Im Büro nichts zu tun, also bleibe ich zuhause - Chef reagiert darauf unklar
I swear this tactic should work!
The AI game in a nutshell
To understand exports
Fuck him. What gives him the authority to do this?
I actually would change the lightbulbs myself; that shouldn't be so hard, like I am right now