I have a Sentra 2025 and it comes with LED headlights, I would like to change them but they don’t seem to have a bulb, only small led squares inside. Is it impossible to change them?
O transito de Curitiba me faz perder a fé na humanidade
Nunca vi tanta gente fumando como em Curitiba
🎉 IT’S MY BIRTHDAY, PEPE FAMILY - $10,000 worth of PEPE gift for you 💸
Person fined in US1.000 because of very old barn door inside own terrain, is there a law for this?
Preciso de um advogado que saiba responder, obrigar cor de cortina dentro do apto sob pena de multa pode ou não?
ELI5: People with brain damage after a coma are trapped inside their heads?
Have learnt today how rare orange girlies are
Sou só eu ou aquecimento global é real está ficando cada vez pior?
why they’re not black?
This thread is mindblowing. “I can’t think of any other reason for my heart to deteriorate like this”
Como lidar com aranhas?
Barulho do trem da ALL/Rumo Logística. Como é viver perto disso?
Today we have buildings from 25 B.C buried 10m below the ground. They were covered over time by natural action. shouldnt the 4500 years pyramids be waaay more buried in sand after all those years? Or they are way bigger than we think but all its rest is covered in sand?
Vocês se acostumam a esse barulho desgraçado das motos?
Peru attacks- footage of a black figure adjusting something on its back whilst atop a tree in the Pichanaqui district of Peru
Assassin's Creed Mirage Key x1 Givaway, leave a comment and ill raffle it in 20 hours (if anyone actually wants it lol)
Convite para acesso
The recent video from Colorado allegedly showing bigfoot
Are there really people who just DO NOT eat vegetables?? Why?
If you are a redditor who's never received an award before, leave a comment on this post and I'll give you one. I have 10k coins to use before the end of today, mostly due to this community. Time to give them back.
Bandeira BR, mas o comentário mais votado muda algo. 6/10
a group of people damages a person’s car in the street
Depois do Covid minha memória definhou, mais alguém?