Bought an MH3 Prerelease on a Whim
My pull from todays pre-release (the pack also came with an additional die)
Question on Raid Interaction
Xmas pulls for a new-ish player
Remove plating from "du chro" cook surface
That’s no moon…
I'm new here, my brother is in hospital and likes graphic novels. I want to get him some to read during his recovery time but wouldn't even know where to start
Book of the Month May 2021: Department of Truth vol 1
Happy Alien Day! Figure there's no better day to showoff this gem from my collection.
How do manufacturers or others have fruitless or practically clean bottles? Mine always develop sentiment and/or baby scobys.
Alien #1 by Ryan Stegman
Horror recommendations?
Hear me out - hops are a game changer
Having both comic and graphic novels?
What's your favorite or rarest comic in your collection?
Yogurt question
First go at miso. Godspeed and see you in six months!
Trade Just went live
What I'm reading this week
[Homemade] Yogurt with granola
Some of my favorite IMAGE TPs in my collection. Love them.
Drop your favorite flavor recipes!!
Weekend reading. Super excited for this haul.
My buy for today. The 1st series in the smash hit lineup "Hill House Comics" library. Includes the entire 7 issue mini-seies as well as character designs & behind the scenes sketches.
BOOM! Weekly Release - 12/16/2020