First time beginning a new season
Additional Class Tuning Updates for Patch 11.1 - Augmentation Evoker & DPS Warrior Nerfs
What would you consider the best racials currently for m+ or raiding?
Weekly M+ Discussion
Tips for pushing higher keys?
Why do people with near max level gear do very low keys?
Any tips for a cloak and fitting mount?
Free Talk Friday
Champion of the Scourge
frost dk mist ++11 log check
Item level
Frost Death Knight need your help
I have a frost mage (frostfire) I'd like to improve my dps to push highier M+
At what key level do I need to know routes?
Mysteriously missing count (Grim Batol)
Is enhancement shaman really that bad?
Started a few days ago, are block builds not absurdly gamebreaking?
Survive bigger pulls as BDK
Frost DK or Havoc DH? (War within)