I'm so sorry
They really nerfed The Pig
I main killer and I see a lot of complaints about playing against certain ones (and I'm trying to avoid playing as frequent/not fun killers). What killer do you usually have the MOST fun playing against?
It's a Sad Day. After almost 2 years, I'm nearly down to my last 300 terrormisu
My Dark Lord's blood web is broken?
Is scampering bugged? Or was there a change to it?
If you have a Prestige 100, please open this !
I have been in the killer tome challenge business for so long, now that it's over, I don't know what to do with the rest of my life
Dude got found first, didn't even try to run, gave up on hook, and called his teammates bad in endgame chat then commented this on my profile
[No spoilers] Critter Bingo
What do my favourite characters say about me?
Why does it cost more to play as Joey than any other member of The Legion?
If you get this achievement you are LEGALLY REQUIRED to play as Vecna and give this achievement to a different survivor.
Should I slice this up for the road?
All P100s
It just works
Oni or Knight?
Is there still no way to appear offline in your DbD friends list?
Tips for learning killer?
i think my knight is a little bugged lol
I Am In Fact HIM
It’s over… I think I’m going to ignore the old tomes though…
Question about Moris
We all have heard about "Just leave", but what about "just hook"?
i never want to play against the twins again 😭