Tesla Owners need to be worried apparently
More Than 100 Women Kept as Slaves in Human Egg Harvesting Farm in Georgia
CBS is completely compromised and pushing out bullshit propaganda polls.
The Overwatch 2 Spotlight stream is today! What are everybody’s final predictions?
Is it true?
No longer shopping at Publix
A cool guide how to move thousands of people
Gross Florida boomer insisted that I’m a man because of a bulge in my bikini
Tech layoffs reveal the unintended consequences of mass job cuts
Why did Serena Williams perform a crip walk dance at the halftime show, even though it was the crips who pew pew her sister ?
Is it just me or does the Japanese dub of Yoruichi make her sound like she's 18-30 years old whereas the english dub makes her sound more like 30-45? Not a criticism of either, just an observation
Do people really think black people can't be racist?
As a tank, what causes you the most satisfaction?
Why is it when republicans are in charge they get everything they want, but when democrats are in charge they never get much done?
Realism sells!
A little whore like me wants attention~
need to stop "diving" venom~ always end up like this~ swear it's not purposeful
MMW: Conservatives write new legislation allowing 3rd terms and Obama gets announced as Dem nominee to the Stone Cold theme music
my friend got 101 kills on a silver 1-gold 3 comp match
I constantly feel forced to switch off of Mantis and it's making me salty
Which actor is this?
We Can Retake the House, but it comes down to Florida
Protest anyone?
Eggs Costs Almost one hour of labor and is More than BEEF now
Canadian stores still encouraging US boycott despite tariff postponement.