Name this country. The top-voted comment wins this round.
Finally finished Amur. What a nightmare it was..
I'm gonna try to complete Michigan with only highway trucks, wish me luck.
Mudrunner real
Wich Truck you Guy's use to haul long Logs?
The most capable truck that i own recently
For my fellow keyboard Forza enthusiasts - turn on traction control if you have problems with controlling RWD S1/S2 cars on lower gears.
First Coloured Photo of Döner. Photographed by Jules Gervais-Courtellemont in Istanbul, 1908.
will this effect the secret ending?
The Cadillac Wagon is a worl of art. What do yall think of it?
Brave Adblocker not working anymore
This thing can shoot 3,000 rounds per minute
Current festival's EventLab Island race (Crimson Lanes) may be too much for people with epilepsy..
Destroy 5 Scaldra Barbican shields. Mission IMPOSSIBLE
I know the show but why is catching fish bad? I thought you gotta catch 'em all?
Red light only penetrates about 30 feet under water, therefor blood appears green further down.
SOURCES The Romanian Constitutional Court annulled the 1st round of the presidential elections
Keanu Reeves picking up a Christmas tree.
Kids these days
[FH5] Summer Information Thread - Series 40
What cyberware WOUDN'T you want?