How would you change Iris?
What are your opinions on the Ultimate Universe Dr.Doom so far ?
Mace Windu- presentation vs perception
For Australian feminists: How severe is the continued presence of misogyny/sexism in the workplace?
What is your weirdest ship idea?
Amour/4thWheel - Colors!
How do you imagine a meeting between these people playing out (let’s say Delia and the Oaks came to Lumiose City during the Kalos League)
It's true
Out of the Indigo League loss, the Lake Acuity Battle and the loss against Wulfric, which do you reckon was Ash’s lowest point?
Just a friendly reminder that these two characters are one year apart in age 💀
Paul, Gary, Barry and Gladion are the only one of Ash’s main rivals to have a unique catchphrase when sending out Pokémon. What catchphrases would you h give these rivals?
Besides these three primary sources on The Storyteller and oral tradition within the Tusken Raiders what other sources that included detail or shown more of the storyteller tradition within Tusken Raiders besides all three here?
Any recommendations for fan fictions that conclude incomplete storylines never finished by Lucasfilm? Such as force unleashed, Kotor, or Republic Commando? Or more?
Regional Form Sandygast and Palossmoke!
Do you feel Ferren Barr goes too far in fighting the Empire?
Which pokegirl has the best alternative outfit?
My son's first kiss
Ash’s strongest team
Are there any droid models that evoke a similar feeling to H.E.R.B.I.E. from the Fantastic Four? Referring to both design and function here.
Why are people like this?
Which elemental power is "Underrated" ?
What episode does lloyd get his green eyes?
Am I the only one who wishes that they made Kyp and Jaina’s relationship as Master and (unofficial) Padawan more like Anakin and Ahsoka’s sibling relationship? The way Kyp was presented as a possible love interest for Jaina always made me uncomfortable.
Rewrites of the Anime
Did he have the power to stop death or was palpatine lying