Mars Heckin' Sucks
Introducing Raider: Golden Frieza
My first Badge for RenPlat
What should I get?
New Nuzlocke, Decent start I think
The Final Fight
The final gym leader has been defeated
I'm such an idiot
I'm stuck
Sabrina has been eliminated
Erika is done
Just a Sweep for Scorpio
Surge has been defeated
Misty is down
Renegade Platinum: my luck sucks and I can't get the ability I want.
Out Of These Games, Which One Would Be The Best To Do A First Nuzlocke?
Brock went down easy
Umm I was going to ban box art legends then this happened
It's over, for now
A massive decision, Who do I bring to the elite 4?
I've started blocking Gammas
Claire Gym Battle
E4 team (StormSilver Elite 4, round 1) — suggestions?
Team advice for Storm Silver Claire
What happened to the move reminder