Weapon damage
the zone
Are there areas where artfiacts are more likely to spawn in the anomalies?
Can you still upgrade your gear and make money after crossing the point of no return?
I'm not a big fan of gunfights in Stalker 2...
What's the real gun that kharod is based on?
What can I do about those insane framerate drops on stalker 2? I spend around a third of my time reloading saves instead of playing
Is there in any of the beta concepts of half life 2 a full story that could be told and potentially make a good game?
If only...
How do I submit a gun build to the community builds?
Was watching a video on Forgotten Weapons where Ian talks about a monstrous 2 Bore elephant hunting rifle and I think it can fit in phantom forces as a "fun but heavy and impractical" type weapon
Worst map and gamemode combinations?
Got the customizable version and added material and color
Tiger stripes + golden camo
I'm bored give me some gun recommendations
What is your personal favorite song in "Far Beyond Driven"?
Is there a way to know how much of a certain case or crate currently exist, regardless of what is shown for sell?
האם יש עוד אנשים כמו במצב שלי?
Why do the combine and antlions look so different in Half life: Alyx?
The telescope fucked up my nightmare run
Pain Elementals
this is gonna be fun
I'm all for a healthy challenge but I really wish this thing didnt fucking exist
when angels don’t deserve to die: