What synth or rack unit should I buy to complete my 80s/90s Synth Rack?
A cool guide which ranks the greatest TV shows of all time.
It's official. My hobby is now a career. Lease signed, business registered, open to the public in May!!
Opinions on the microkorg as a first synth?
Hardest hitting bass drums using 3 modules?
Error Insruments...
My super budget system of stuff that just needed TLC
Any advice on Matriarch after being soaked in water? RIP
Live rig advice
opinions on advent/1’s ?
What is your signature sound design technique?
Reasonable pricing for receiver repair?
Yamaha build quality is always give me feel of next level
What do you think of my new setup?
My vintage audio collection from years of collecting.
Finished my first amp build - The ACA Mini
IMO best looking cassette
Some kind of bose speakers at a thrift store for $200.
Flashback Preonic to times of big hair and Trapper Keepers
My new project, critiques welcome
What do you guys think about these Estate Sale items?
XOR Dual Chord demo#2 poly+bassline. Apologies to Donald and Walter.
Stairs Stereo Ladder Filter from After Later Audio
My 3 starter steps for modular drone enthusiasts
Anyone else printing out their synth manuals? Any tips to share?