70 days (benefits/thoughts/insight)
I’m not sold on ace Bailey being a top 5 pick
Being sober makes life easier
It's easy to stop smoking weed for a few days or weeks—but impossible to get over 'the wall' when the novelty fades
I will never....
Day 1 not getting high ✅
If you don't smoke today...
READ THIS everyday FOR someone who keeps relapsing
Officially 1 day and 15 hours sober.
Don't let GUILT make you relapse again!!!!!
One week!
Advices and testimonies please 🫶🏻
1 month of Sobriety
Four months
Things that proved to me that I was an addict
The game of addiction and how to beat it....
DAY 7 do all dogs go to heaven??
Realization of an addicted mind.... (DIARIES)
30 days a letter to myself!!
Tough going but I won't Quit Quitting
Please help now
Our deepest fear is that maybe we might just live a happy life....
I'm the guy who wants to quit....BUT keeps going back
I forgot what dreams were like