A draft of something I'm writing to my mom to try and get her to think critically about Fox News. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Can anyone Summarise Qanon for me?
I can’t imagine giving one to someone who has fertility issues
Who changes the diaper?
What is your Q saying?
Trump finally calls out the Ukraine scam
I really don’t know what to do, I wanna tell my mom all the shit Trump and Elon are ACTUALLY doing, but I’m afraid that she’ll yell at me!
🚨 BREAKING: The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that Arizona voters must provide proof of citizenship to vote. Do you support this decision? If YES, I will follow you back!
AITH for flipping my daughter's "boundary" back on her?
We are fucked
Am I the asshole for not wanting to put my girlfriend on deed of house I’m purchasing?
Changes to education loans
Confused about the “touch the floor” part of the Beighton test
Will we ever be accepted?
Im 26 years old. I was partying with friends until 6am. This is my dads response.
Non-accidental injury in a neonate. This 28-day-old baby was beaten to death.
AITA for wanting to break up even though Valentines day is coming up?
I’m convinced they just hate women.
Are my parents over reacting with grounding me for 45 days?
AITA for not dating a single dad, even if he's a victim?
If Trump is going to get rid of all these federal agencies, why are we even paying taxes anymore?
DM from a Red State friend today:
Anyone else just feel completely screwed?
On a post about a woman's face changing a little after being pregnant
What will it take