What do yall think of this shot?
Are any US citizens considering moving to Europe?
Can anyone explain to a European what’s the point of all this?
Been working on perfecting my marbling technique on the outside layer of my jars and I’m finally starting to like my results!
After/Before. Looking for advice.
So happy!
The Abyss
Some new molds arrived! What do you think?
Looking for suggestions
My first candles
Tutorial for candle making
Good course to begin candle making
Wenn du es siehst..
Zelda OoT Hyrule Castle complete interior. Thanks for the great feedback in the last post!!
This tool converts any text into social media carousels for free
There are so many chat pdf tools out there yet many don’t seem to have good retrieval
Do you use ai bedtime story generators?
Alternative zu wahlkabine
What is this bug? See a lot of them lately indoors?
Tools für Bachelorarbeit
Hey guys! I've built an an app that generates personalised bedtime stories for children using AI
Introducing Oscar - Personalised Bedtime Stories for Kids
Oscar - AI bedtime story generator for children
Alleys of Barcelona in El Raval
One of my favourite shots. What do ya think 💬
What do you think of the composition and post-processing? This is Mauthausen concentration camp, so for obvious reasons I wanted to add a "dark" feel to the picture.