Is Scizor viable now?
What if explosion and self destruct were never nerfed in gen 5? What pokemon would benefit from a stronger explosion or self destruct?
What Are Suwako Fumos Called?
Should I release her? 🤔
Fumo Fumo Snae eats healthy
I know Marisa’s hand is one finger too much but I’m too lazy to fix it. 😆
Reymoo just stuffed Snae into a bag
pat aya
Wizards are prohibited
She threw snowball everywhere in my room, so I have to seal her away.
I'm trying to sleep but Snae won't stop going mlem mlem pbbppbpthpbthppth
How do I take care of a Cirno and Reimu fumo?
This fumo Reimu and me aren't so different
You think she can drive stick?
Bathe n sunbathe
Cirno Citroen c3 perfect drift
J is for… Junko! Comment what you think K should be!
Sakuya finds a strange box
A new blankie for Inu
Chansey evolving into Blissey with eviolite
If this was a album,what would it be called?
Which is better: Krokizon or Rectreem?