If you won the lottery, would you take care of your entire extended family or just close relatives?
AITA for refusing to give my grandmother’s wedding ring to my brother’s fiancée, even though she was "promised" it?
Would You Ever Date Someone in a Wheelchair? Be Honest—Because This Sucks.
What is a show you watched during your childhood that you are convinced nobody remembers?
What’s a normal thing in real life Reddit just seems to hate?
AITAH for cutting off and exposing a friend who took advantage of a girl I was in love with
Having kids today is selfish, and no one wants to admit it.
Wife doesn’t allow me to touch or even see her breasts.
Love life
Can you truly have pure and close friendships with the opposite gender(even after marriage?)
Do you go to bed at the same time with your spouse?
My husband waits a long time to talk after an argument.
AITA for skipping my brother's wedding because his fiancée excluded my wife from the guest list?
What’s your instantly retire number?
What would you do if you walked in and found your parents having sex ?
WIBTAH if I ended my relationship after only a month ?
Who didn't deserve the amount of hate they got?
My husband has an illegitimate child.
AITA for telling my coworker he should teach his daughter tact?
Endearing quality about Nate
You get 1 million dollars, but you need to carry a baby full term
What weird food combos do you like?
Whats an odd food combo you like that's others find weird? I like Mash potatoes with tomato sauce!?
What is the food a lot of people like that you don’t like?
AITAH for telling a plus size woman that I love being ‘skinny’?