Scott surprises Emma for her birthday. (Heralds #1)
[Hated trope] Characters you'll never understand why people defend
For the sake of ego
Characters with genuinely tragic backstories but whose actions are so disgusting and horrible they're not played for sympathy whatsoever
Potential U.S. Peace Plan for Ukraine
Is Eternity the true villain in Storm?
This page of fables (#26) is more relevant today than it was when it released
Rivalries where the two characters genuinely just fucking hate each other, no mutual respect whatsoever
I hate that we haven't seen Cable's reaction to his daughter dying for mutant kind
Incredibly overpowered characters that are balanced by being too dumb
In The Legend of Korra (2012) this now plays after the series ends to show the haters where right, nice call from the haters. She really couldn’t handle it.
Spidey fans: “wHy Do ThE wRiTeRs HaTe peTeR” Hulk fans: “That’s cute”
This page alone justifies Valeria Richards as my favorite Marvel character ever (FF (2011) #20)
Most terrifying or scariest scenes ever
Female “sex offender” and abusers that are treated as such by the actual story
What Does Jubilee Mean By “Sorta?” [Uncanny X-Men #10 Spoilers]
Characters who learn what their legacy will be
Auch, that hurts! (WW Annual 2006).
[Loved Trope] When Characters Decide to Stop A Cycle of Parental Abuse to Be Better for their Children
When Christian Bale does it it's "method acting"
Clark helps Diana realize what she might need to understand people better (WW: Spirit of Truth, 2001)
Villains who will go out of their way to protect their underlings
First Word [Fantastic Four #497]
Moments where the roles are reversed as the hero becomes a horror movie monster, while the villain/s becomes a helpless victim (Bonus points if the Hero is All-Loving & the villain is scared shitless)
Pacifists who are so obstinate they make pacifism look bad