hey what are you doing on my profile???
What’s the best album of 2003?
What’s y’all’s favorite NOT GOOD album?
What's the shortest song you consider perfect?
Transphobes be like: That’s Constantinople
What this your 2023 AOTY?
Unbelievably Horny
What's your highest rated album with a run time of less than 30 minutes?
what can you say about be based on some of my favourite albums currently? (limited to one album per artist)
What's the album that got you into online music nerd spaces like Fantano, RYM, AOTY, Pitchfork, Etc?
I do random bass lines videos, today's its not up to you.
Top 25 albums, no order
What do you think is the most iconic Björk photo?
What are some artists with best unreleased discographies?
Favourite song atm
top 25 albums starting with E
Which artists LEAST popular record is their best?
instrumental album suggestions
what other music thats in the same vein as phoebe bridgers do you listen to?
Why yes I am a white teenager, how could you tell?
Mushroom music on Fossora?
Pick artists who you think had the best album run (2-9)
(almost all of) My personal 10/10, what are y'alls thoughts (I'd enjoy some brutal honesty, I like debating music)
Every artist has that one photo, what’s Elliott’s?
What’s your most common rating for albums?