when the witch hunt is turning into a circus
I think it's full, sir. That's ridiculous. The last tree held 9 drums.
What a great ballgame. Thanks, Weekend Dad.
In less than a week I went from, “ok cool Charlotte is coming back” to, “when is she leaving again?”
Hit the up vote button if you slammed your ham to Stephanie McMahon vs Trish at No Way Out 2001
Two black triangle/disc like objects in the distance
The Van der Linde gang's curious route to Guarma on a freighter (thanks to the strange geography of RDR's America)
Cmon we all know what mission it is
About right [KCD2]
when you're training for your komeback
Krusty gets Kancelled s4e22
Well, William, I'm back. So how did you spend your summer? I made millions in software and lost it at the track, acchh!
My sister's favorite show. Loved the koosh and her crush on Tom Cruise.
when homer shoots first
🎵bringing in the sheaves, bringing in...🎵 Oh my Lord! Something horrible has happened!
Good God, he is fabulous!
Who will come and live a life devoted to chastity, abstinence, and a flavorless mush I call rootmarm?
Simpson thickened dye paint with tie dye
Mark hendry
when full power
Hey, Bernard. Good evening, Krusty. Nice to see you, Bernard. Krusty, over here! Krusty, one more!
Well, according to our computer-aging program, she should look about.....25 years older.
Arthur in the middle of a gunfight
My Medicinal Marijuana is so expensive