My mini Ikea greenhouse cabinet! It's a Baggebo and it's perfect for my needs. ✨🌛🌿
I am going to piss myself
She’s finally done!
W.I.P! Door handle cover…
Anybody else having issues after October 2024 update?
Spots on my anthurium gloriosum
Spots in my Plowmanii
Spots on alocasia odora
Help me heat my milsbo please?!
Drilling hole
My greenhouse cabinet (not ikea). Question... does anybody use anything to warm it up?
Lechuza pon has been sold out for days now but I was just on the website and it’s not even listed anymore 😳 Does anyone have inside information?
Fossils as gifts?
Characters that grew on you?
I'm for sure keeping Blathers in a tent forever! <3
225 custom catchphrases for reference (x-post from r/AnimalCrossing)
[TOMT] commercial ad from a long time ago went like “something’s burning!... *jingle* ..and I think it’s my eggs!!” Can anyone help out?!? It’s around the 80’s and 90’s I think