Would you paint the beams or leave them as-is?
Stringed instrument repair specialist
How old is my dishwasher? Should I replace it?
Electric bill 🤢🤢🤢 what should we do? Blow insulation?
How do you all stay motivated to go to the gym in the winter?
Suggestions for an old house entryway
Hardwood or subfloor?
Sorry for the silly question.. what would be be behind this space?
IOS 18 Really Did It Now!!!
Is it any good?
Fashion that never came back
Input needed on columns
What groups are you in?
Who else likes sanding painted floors? How did I do?
Full hide iOS notifications?
Is there a way to disable shortcut and automations notifications?
New couch from Facebook Marketplace!
Looking for a coffee and tea shop.
Am looking to move near or in lancaster, help?
What is this?
Did anyone order donuts? 🍩
What’s everyone’s most useful shortcuts?
Anyone else have one of these?
Before and After
Fewer Remodels This Year – What’s Stopping Customers?